global/local workers
Tom and Candice Scatliff
Tom and Candice are Global Workers based in Elkhart, Indiana who have a strong connection with Lakeshore Church.
Tom, an engineer by trade, has been interested in radio since he was a young boy and has always had a passion to use his engineering skills to better the lives of others. Candice, a nutritionist with a Master's Degree in international nutrition in low resource communities, finds great joy in using her knowledge to improve the health of individuals and families anywhere around the globe.
Tom and Candice are on loan to SonSet Solutions, Inc. (formerly HCJB Global Technology Center) and live in Elkhart, IN. Tom works with the engineering team to develop technology that will be used to bring the Gospel to people around the world; Candice is a nutrition resource to SonSet Solutions, Inc.'s various healthcare projects. They have three boys.

Randall & Denise Naylor
Randall and Denise Naylor who are Global Workers based in Southeast Asia. They partner with local churches doing pastoral work, preaching, Bible teaching, training and equipping of church leaders.
Randall teaches theological course in the English Theological Extension program of Ecclesia Theological Seminary as well as leadership/oversight in the operation of the PAOC Ka Chi Secondary School. Denise is active in Prison Ministry on a one-to-one basis and participating in regular Bible Classes. She assists in the translation of Christian material into Chinese and serves as a translator in Chinese-speaking communities. They also travel for ministry to countries in Asia (Cambodia/India/Mongolia) where Randall teaches in Bible Colleges, provides pastoral support, leadership training, counselling, preaching and Bible teaching.

Lakeshore Church Giving App - From the dropdown menu select Foreign Missions (Naylors).

Laura Wilson
Laura is one of our own at Lakeshore Church, and joined Montreal Youth Unlimited in 2006.
She is a local global worker, working as program coordinator at Station 7 Youth Centre in Chateauguay, Quebec. She designs and implements various programs and events, including Bible studies, Small group discussions, short-term mission programs, Drop-in, and Teen camps.
Laura uses her life to offer worth to the youth so that none would feel alone.