About Us
Our History
The first service of Lakeshore Evangelical Church was held in the Pine Beach Community Centre in Dorval, May 13, 1956 with 47 people. However, the story of Lakeshore goes back before that.
Late in 1955, some members from Evangel Pentecostal Church (Montreal, Qc) began cottage meetings in Lachine, which was closer to their homes in the developing suburbs. As a result of these meetings, a committee was established to "commence church work to propagate the gospel of Christ in the Lakeshore area.”
During the first few years, Evangel Church assisted with a monthly subsidy to help establish the new congregation. However, it was the burden and sacrificial giving of time and resources by the members of the first committee and those they quickly gathered around them, that enabled the new congregation to take shape and a pastor was called to give initial leadership.
The new congregation quickly took shape with Sunday School ministry starting the second Sunday and in June 1956, youth services started in the Dorval Gardens School. Bible Study and prayer services were held in homes during the week.
In October 1956, under the leadership of a pastor and committed group of Christians, the new church was officially organized as a member assembly of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. The church constitution was adopted in February 1957.
Property was secured that year with assistance from both the Eastern Ontario & Quebec District of the PAOC and a substantial loan from Evangel Church. So committed to the furtherance of the Kingdom were the early members that they were willing to personally purchase Mortgage Certificates to fund the construction both during the beginning and construction of the extension. Construction of the new church commenced in 1959 and the building was occupied in January 1960. As Lakeshore Church grew, the original sanctuary was enlarged (1968-1969) to its present seating capacity of 300.
In 1966, the church purchased a parsonage for ministerial staff which was used until 1978. As times changed pastors began owning their own properties. In 1969 the young people were able to purchase land and finance the construction of a retreat center at Half Moon Lake in the Brownsburg, Qc area. This facility served the congregation for many years until it was sold.
Through its history, Lakeshore Church has had a constant desire to reach out with the gospel. This has been evidenced by the assistance given to the establishing of Dorion Evangelical Church, in 1967. During the same period church work was started in St-Eustache as well as in Chateauguay.
Lakeshore Church has served in a variety of Missions or outreach endeavors. Missionaries from the congregation have and continue to serve in Africa, Asia and elsewhere. Mission teams have gone to Thailand, Ukraine and Malawi. At one time, the young people had a Saturday radio show and also met on Friday evenings in a community center in DDO to minister to young people in that area. They also participated on Mission trips to Baie-Comeau and into the United States.
We thank God for the past. With faith we face the future.